Wednesday, January 28, 2004
My sisters and I are self-proclaimed Disney-tologists. That's because we have Peter Pan for a father. And we say, JOIN THE FIGHT! Go to savedisney.com!
Friday, January 23, 2004
![]() I came across this picture while cleaning up my files and I remember going to the office last summer and laughing at this Merrel shoebox filled with tapes and tapes (I think there were over 30 tapes in there) of Del Monte 202 Quest footage on Camille's desk. The stuffed toys are the GamePlan mascots and you'll sometimes find them rappelling or doing the Tyrolean traverse somewhere in our cubicle. They're our official stress relievers, and in this picture, they tried to cover up all the tapes that we had to shotlist for the 4-ep bonanza. The thing that really made my morning was that I could imagine Camille's little stressed out voice saying "WOW, ANG DAMEEE!" At yun ang totoo, ang dami nga! I can't believe sometimes the amount of transcripts we type up for races, but I'm glad that my officemates and I are able to express our stress in creative ways. And talk about branding! They're all wearing 202 labels! Del Monte should be proud.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
![]() Blooming! Me, Pam, Eyo, and Hazel behind Essie and Millette in The Picture Company studio in Town. Some of my girlfriends and I got together for the holidays and since Pam work for The Picture Company, we opted to have a fun photo shoot in their Town Center studio in Alabang. Hazel and I were the early birds, so we had pictures with Pam first. But the late comers got jealous, so we had some last minute group pics with them as well, and it was really fun! We picked comstumes and accessories for each other and even if The Picture Company's specialty is children, adults can have the same kind of kiddie, not to mention creative, fun as well. Our batchmates who were players for the DLSU Women's Football Team have a cool picture in the company's portfolio. It's a top shot and all the players lying down side by side. So it's the whole team lying down, looking very hip and very family. Whole families have their portraits taken there as well, and some mothers get very creative with their children, posing beside them in angelic costumes, sort of like those photos by the very famous Anne Geddes. I suggest that you check out The Picture Company, especially if you have kids. It's the cutest thing really. A little bit pricey, but the fun and the results kind of make you feel that it was all worth it. And if your picture's good enough, they might add it to their portfolio! O diba, naging model ka pa! *** By the way, most of the night with my girlfriends was spent being very, well, girl. We had a nice dinner and went to some wine place and I just wasn't used to all the girlyness. For starters, I ordered beer. In a wine place. San Mig Light to be specific, para medyo sosyal naman. And they kept on talking about all these cute guys in high school...grade school even! And I hardly knew any of these hotties! Man, I was so out of it. That's what you get for being a nerdy jock I guess. But at least I can always say that I was the second in the group to have a boyfriend. Hah! Got you there, girls! Hehe. Cheap thrill.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Before anything else, this post was inspired by the fact that my homepage disappeared for a while due to some problems with the computer. My blog template was erased and I couldn't find a copy of it anywhere in my files. it was kind of streesful for a few days. Looking for my blog was like looking for myself. Naks. All I could find was this old template, with a little bit of the new. Ah basta, it's not the ssame. How sad. Anyway, I don?t know what I?m looking for exactly. I think I just need a long rest. A good month of nothing maybe. But the thought of not earning income for a month is haunting. The safest thing to do really is to earn enough savings for some bumming. Plus elections are coming up and I've no idea who I'm going to vote for. 2004 started out to be quite promising with my new elbow and all, but with the way things are going, and with my brain conking out at work every now and then, it looks like it's going to be another tough year. So good luck to me, and to whoever feels the same way. *** On a lighter note, I liked Kill Bill. It was highly entertaining, and I loved Black Mamba?s yellow Asics shoes. And I?ve been enjoying the new Ciudad album, so get it if you still haven't.
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
![]() "I want to be like her. Do you want to be a part of my new journey to the self?" This is a photo of Pauline Hsieh, a climber from the States. I saw this picture in thenorthface.com and sent it to a friend and thought wow, I can't wait to climb. For the past few years, I've been hesitant to take up a sport because I had this injury that no one could explain. In high school, my right elbow kind of “locked”. Meaning I couldn't straighten it and I couldn't bend it too much. It was just locked in a position that left me frustrated and helpless. Back then, being injured was like the end of world (That's also what some friends said about my smoking. Hehe. :), but since the doctors couldn’t find anything, my friends and I just put it aside and lived as if I was perfectly fine. I didn’t want them to feel sorry for me. I had physical therapy for a while, although now I realize that the doctors gave me therapy for a condition they didn’t even understand. Hmmm. That was in 1995. I backed out of my first Palarong Pambansa because I couldn’t swim properly anymore. I stuck to cheerdancing and my elbow would lock every now and then, but I didn’t want to feel sad all the time, so we just had fun with it! I’d wear my sling to school sometimes and lend it to Carlo Solis at recess and lunch. He was a basketball player and I told him that it would get the girls’ attention. It was so much fun because girls kept on asking him what happened and he had a ball coming up with different minor injury stories. Then he’d return it to me in class with a big smile on his face. Haha! I also developed a Popeye arm! I’m right-handed, but since I had to do a lot of things with my left instead, it buffed up big time. Pam Floro had a Popeye arm, too, because she was a tennis player, so she used to call me her other half. Baduy, no? Put us together and we were a Popeye! I gave up on sports in college because I didn’t know what to do with the injury anymore. I remember wanting to join CADS back ’99, but the injury acted up again the day before the audition. Then I pushed it in Senior Year and danced 3 major dances for CADS, which wasn’t so bad. I wore my sling sometimes, but I hated explaining my condition to people because, well, I didn’t exactly know what I had. Things got worse when I started working. I’ve been with the company for almost 3 years and I’ve done some pretty extreme things, but the pain visited me in the field once in a while, making camerawork and just plain thinking and writing almost impossible. So again, I made fun of it by making slings out of whatever, be it a jacket or a shirt or a tie-dyed sarong, and getting tipsy with beer just seemed to be the best temporary cure. Last month, however, was a different story. I was working at home and unfortunately, just reaching for my camera on the floor was a big no-no. Before I even touched the camera, my elbow locked and I just thought ok, here we go again! But the pain lasted for so long and on the third day, my whole arm actually went numb and it grew swollen and tender, making it difficult to write or type. Good thing I went to see Dr. George Canlas a few months before. He’s a sports doctor that I met in the Philippine Ironman 2002, and thank God because for the first time after 8 years, someone knew what was wrong with me. Last May or June, I had an X-Ray in St. Luke’s Hospital and Doc found a bone fragment floating above my elbow. It was pretty big, almost an inch I think, and it was a chip from my humerus. He said that it was growing on its own and that it may have chipped off when I was still a gymnast. I recalled all my gymnastics injuries and aside from sprains and slamming my feet on the high bar, I remember falling on the floor once and landing with my arm straight (Yup, that’s a sin!!!). Since then, my elbow clicked every time I did pushups. So there! I had an injury which may have been over 10 years old! And none of the other doctors saw it. Grr. The chip would float around and lodge itself into my elbow, and last month’s swell was because the chip went deeper, possibly pressing on nerves and veins So Doc performed arthriscopic surgery, making little incisions only a centimeter long on both sides of my arm. The stitches are really cool because they’re under the skin, so the wounds look like tiny scratches. He also used a little camera for the surgery, so we taped the footage on VHS, para ala-Discovery Channel! And to my amusement, the surgery was specifically called debrivement because the chip was considered as debris. Yeah, garbage in my arm! That’s what it was! We kept the bone that he took out and it’s in pieces now (They look like korniks!) because he had to take it out piece by piece to fit through the incision (Reminds me of abortion. Did you ever see Silent Scream?). They’re pretty cool to look at because they’re so small. It’s amazing that that tiny bone was the cause of all that pain. It’s like those little shattered bones that they took out of Mama years ago when she had a slipped disc. My sisters and I looked into the little jar and screamed, “That’s it?!” Well, big bone, small bone, problems come in all shapes and sizes, and mine turned out to be a chip. I think I’ll always be accident prone, but at least that little chip, even if it kept me from doing so many things, taught me to be more careful with my joints and to take care of my body. It’s a new year and I feel so brand new now that my arm has been rid of “debris”, and I’m so excited to go climbing. And diving. Or I can just go to the gym. Yippe, how exciting! Tomorrow, I’m going to give Doc Canlas and Thank You card. He got rid of one limitation in my life. Now all I’ve gotta do is quit smoking! *** >My first Photo Friday! This week's Photo Friday assignment for the is The Best of 2003. I've never submitted a photo for the site, mostly because I never had time to gou out and take photos before the next assignment came out. But I didn't have any problems looking for this picture! [Click here.]